LAPTOPSRUS AVLAB WORKSHOP at Medialab Prado 11:00 - 19:00, June 5, 2010 Plaza de las Letras. C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid Live streaming morning presentation Live coding, Live performance, Live cinema, live Art, Live a life. LAPTOPSRUS holds a ONE DAYworkshop/meeting on coding AV live performance at AVLAB, MediaLab PRADO. LaptopsRus is a network initiative which stages public "MEETING | REUNIÓN" with woman live performers in a tournament setting for its 2009-2010 touring season. Launched at Vision’R in Paris in Spring 2009, LaptopsRus with its invited and open call live performers/VJs has played each season based on the 4 classic elements – Spring(Air), Summer(Fire), Autumn(Earth), Winter(Water). In summing up this one year touring, LaptopsRus presents an all out 4 season live performance at Matadero Madrid, accompanied by a conference at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. In conjunction with the conference panel “ in PROCESS: coding AV live performance”, this AVLAB workshop investigates the current scene of AV live performance in terms of Live coding, Live processing, Live performance, Live cinema. We call for live performers (individual and groups) to join the meeting/workshop. By presentation and round table discussion, we hope to exchange the ‘behind the scene’ working methods and processing tools in live art today!
Performance Matadero (June 4 & 5) |